School management software

💠 A School Management Software is a tool to manage all the educational and administrative tasks without any hassle. It enables schools to digitally manage and monitor daily school activities on a single platform.

💠 CSDT School Management Software can automate and optimize teacher workload, helps schools to simplify enrollment processing, and enables teachers to monitor student’s academic progress.

Let us have a look at the other such advantages that make CSDT IT SOLUTION's School Management Software a valid choice

Important Fields That Include In Our Offline Software


  • 📌New registration.
  • 📌 Admission of student.
  • 📌 View and modify these records if required.
  • 📌 Student attendance (submit and update).
  • 📌Transfer certificate.
  • 📌 View all records.


  • 📌 You can add bus.
  • 📌Create routes.
  • 📌Fee structure of different routes.
  • 📌Allot bus to each and every student and manage these records easily.
  • 📌 Check number of students in each bus.
  • 📌 Manage payment and dues of all students.
  • 📌 Records can be updated if required very easily.


  • 📌 This section helps you to manage fee payment and due of all students.
  • 📌 Generate demand bill for individual students as well as for whole class and section.
  • 📌You can simply use this section for receiving payment and printing receipt and modify them as well if required.
  • 📌You can also add extra income whenever needed in case of any extra events conducted by school.
  • >


  • 📌This is a very useful features added to our software which helps you to manage whole large or small library at very high level of accuracy.
  • 📌You can create book, rack, row, add book category and maintain stock of available books with location.
  • 📌You can manage issue and return of a book, with detail report.
  • 📌You can add member type to your library such as student member or teacher or any others.
  • 📌You can implement fine with separate type such as late fine or book damage fine.


  • 📌 Setting grade.
  • 📌 Create subject.
  • 📌 Marks and create results of individual students.
  • 📌 You can generate reports of cards of each student.


  • 📌 Manage their attendance.
  • 📌 Employee salary and generate reports as required.


  • 📌 Create users.
  • 📌 Create class.
  • 📌 Create financial year.
  • 📌 Create message.
  • 📌 Access all section.


  • 📌 Different operator use respective section.
  • 📌 Accountant can use account section.
  • 📌 Operator can use student section.
  • 📌 SMS operator can use message section.
  • 📌 SMS operator can use message section.